It is thrilling to start your own learning journey again for the new semester as a university or college student, whether you are a freshie or a senior. There are many aspects that you probably need to bump into throughout the years of study. Some […]
When you ask a mobile phone user if they are satisfied with their present mobile operator, most likely an exceptionally low number will reply with a resounding yes. Ask yourself, when was the last time you checked your mobile phone plan, and compared it against […]
Some people will not budge on having an emergency fund. What is an emergency fund? It is actually money which is set aside for an emergency situation. In other words, it can be considered as a rainy-day saving. Now, the question is, is it crucial […]
In this day and age, students all over the world are blessed with the opportunity to study at countless prestigious universities or colleges of their choosing to pursue their dreams. With many different courses offered, and plenty of skilled academics to guide them, students are […]
Millennials are the next generation of workers, consumers, and leaders. The significance of their generation cannot be understated, as their consuming habits and buying power will only grow in the years to come. However, many millennials are facing financial trouble. While some of it can […]
Watching a movie for the sole point of entertaining yourself is fun, however, watch them again and you may take in some money lessons from them. Look at the list with 5 must-see films that will show you valuable money lessons! 1. “The Pursuit of […]
Setting our financial goals can be puzzling when we don’t know how to achieve them properly. If you’re puzzled on how to stir up your financial goals, here are 4 Powerful Tricks on how to smash any financial goals and set yourself up for personal […]
Today’s millennials are captivated with the current trends and always looking up for the updated ones. This is all because of the present philosophies of both FOMO (fear of missing out) and YOLO (you only live once). Millennials don’t want to feel left out and […]
It might seem difficult to save money while in school. However, it’s a savvy budgetary move that will satisfy over the long haul. Odds are, you won’t probably save enough to cover each of your expenses while in college, so have a go at picking […]
Adieu 2019, Hello 2020! It’s always the beginning of the year that normally drives us to review our past achievements and make plans for 2020’s resolutions. It’s also a fresh start for us to strive for the improvement in life, gain meaningful achievements and moments […]