It is certainly that most of us are mainly working hard to generate an income and earn money for the sake of sustaining a pleasant life not only for ourselves but also for our families. Nevertheless, making smart choices with our money can be strenuous […]
Literally, we can say that money can give us happiness if we spend it in the right way and with proper attitudes. Nevertheless, money can also give us troubles if we don’t know how to manage our own finances and carelessly get ourselves stuck in […]
One of the most difficult times that students have to confront is normally to find a place to live while studying for their tertiary education. This happens due to the shortage of hostel accommodation. Typically, the hostel management will give priority to the newcomers or […]
Most of the times, we can’t control our spending habits. We may tend to neglect or forget about our financial goals that we already set monthly. This may lead to inconsistency on developing saving habits as well. Hence, if we are not able to overhaul […]
In today’s world, most of us are in debts. Paying off debts such as credit cards, mortgages and any types of loans can be difficult and lead to financial stress if we don’t have the right plan or strategies.  Although paying the debts may take […]
It can be said that the majority of citizens are now staying at home and even working from home since the Covid-19 or Coronavirus pandemic. As a result, most of us will notice an increase in the latest electricity bill. Our electricity consumption will go […]
Everyone is tremendously preparing to buy food supplies to ensure that there is enough food for every family member at home. This is likely due to the Covid-19 outbreak. Some may buy groceries for a weekly portion and some may even get ready for a […]
The reason why the majority of the students apply for their higher education loan is because they couldn’t afford to pay the education fees on their own. In other words, an education loan assists them to ease their expenses during studies, especially to cover the […]
It’s during the holiday season that we mostly find ourselves spending too much on everything such as travel, gifts, clothes, food and many more. This is probably due to the sales and promotions fever throughout the holiday seasons. We, Malaysians are blessed with an abundance […]
It is true that money is indeed important in our lives. One cannot survive without having ample money for daily expenses and financial goals. Everyone is eager to make more money in order to earn a comfortable life. Nevertheless, it all depends on where you […]