Hi! We cordially invite you to take part in the Launching of MIU Business Club, MyLIFE Student Chapter & Technopreneurship Hub, 14 April 2022 (Thursday)
Dear uLearnMONEY learners, visitors and friends,
We are honoured to invite you to the Launching of MIU Business Club, MyLIFE Student Chapter & Technopreneurship Hub.
Date: 14 April 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 2:30pm – 3:30pm
Register Link: https://bit.ly/MIUbizcollab
Do REGISTER NOW and JOIN US to explore and know more about this event!
For any inquiries, do contact the PIC of this event,
Mandy at mandy.moneycompass@gmail.com / 0124630231 or
Mathi at mathi.moneycompass@gmail.com / 01111492682.
We look forward to meet you at our event!
Stay safe & take care!