Adaptable learning environment coupled with engaging learning presentation.
Welcome to uLearnMONEY
About Us
uLearnMONEY is the most comprehensive and credible online financial education platform in Malaysia that will steer individuals from all walks of life to gain personal financial success. It is recognized and supported by AKPK, MFPC, FPAM, MFPAA, PTPTN, FEN, BNM, SIDC & JPT Malaysia. uLearnMONEY offers myriad financial literacy courses and various books on top trending topics for anyone to learn and enhance their financial literacy with the financial experts efficiently. Most importantly, uLearnMONEY guides on financial knowledge and money tips such as on financial management, effective strategies on self-improvement, investment, entrepreneurship, and many more. It aims to elevate the financial literacy of Malaysians and promote responsible citizens who uphold proper financial skills, knowledge and rational attitudes as well as positive mindsets towards financial freedom.
Let’s ELEVATE our financial literacy, anytime and anywhere with uLearnMONEY!


Why Choose Us

Endorsed and supported by Ministry of Education (MOE) and Department of Higher Education, or Jabatan Pendidikan Tinggi (JPT).
Your finance & investment questions all answered.
Learn Anytime, Anywhere across any devices.
Make your money stretch further with “Content Sharing Economy”.
Our Mission
Our Vision
To create a financial freedom gateway for everyone.
To make uLearnMONEY the most preferred platform of choice to acquire financial knowledge and skills.
Meet our Financial Coach

What Learners Say
Very informative seminar and a great initiative in providing financial literacy platform. The course provides an easy-to-understand way of explaining with sufficient examples, and the test of each chapter helps me to elevate my financial literacy.

Ahmad Hanifi
International Islamic University Malaysia
Listen until Topic 3 and gain many life lessons that unable to learn from book and this makes my mind to focus clearly what is needed and how to set life's goals. Keep going uLearnMONEY. Will share this to my precious friend so that I will not be alone on my journey towards financial freedom. Arigatooo.

Nigel Ryan
Linton University College
Please come again next time uLearnMONEY with different speakers and extra input. We need more events like this.

Ernas Akalili Morzailan
Linton University College